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The Future Of Mobile Games Industry

The smartphone industry has matured. As the industry continues to grow by leap and bounds, gaming on smartphones has exploded. Games for iPhone have generated millions of dollars in revenue for both the developer and app investors. As a result, many development companies have taken the initiative to master game development techniques for iPhone.

The Gaming Market

The gaming industry has seen the likes of Angry Birds destroying pigs on various landscapes, words destroying friends and ninjas destroying the fruit. It is growing at a tremendous pace and is expected to double by 2016. Some stats –

  • In the year 2012, the mobile gaming industry generated around $18 billion
  • In the US, $2.23 Billion was spent by advertisers in 2012
  • This number is expected to reach $4.4billion by 2014
  • 64% of the mobile traffic is generated because of mobile games
  • People spend an average of 7.8 hours in a month while playing on iPhone
  • In the US, there are 100Million mobile gamers
  • 93% of users are willing to pay for downloading the game

The numbers are expected to grow at an alarming rate. This implies that the future of the mobile industry is huge. The popularity and revenue generated by Angry Birds and Tiny tower can be overtaken by an out-of-the-box game app.

More Gaming Genres

As per the research, logic-based games, puzzles, town-building, angry birds, temple runs and casino games are dominating gamers. However, as the market continues to mature, it is expected that new genres of games will emerge. A few months back card games tried to make their space in the gaming industry but failed. But now they are generating good revenue. They are now successful on both iOS and Android. New categories like RTS and card genres are breaking out and reaching the masses. As consumer demands are always on the rise, people continue to shift their focus from casual games to hardcore and mid-core games.

More Social Games

Mobile games have been receiving criticism for being unsocial. Though games are majorly driving the gaming industry, it seriously lacks interactive games. However, the future would see more group play rather than one-on-one centric games. More social games are expected to hit the gaming world. iPhone apps development companies are focusing on developing truly social games. Games like SongPop and Backflip’s Paper Toss Friends are gaining popularity. They are focusing on making the games social; this is allowing them to attract a large number of audiences. These games just aren’t fun if you don’t play with your friends. Multiplayer and social games will acquire a center stage and play a vital role in the gaming industry.

Evolving Development Companies

Many iPhone app development companies have mastered the development of games. You can hire expert iPhone game developers and leverage benefits from games. These companies are well-versed with the market trends and are quick to respond to user needs. They are hawk-eyed on the market conditions and capable of developing interactive, scalable and salable games that generate good ROI for investments. They are capable of developing games that have a user-friendly interfaces, interactive gameplay and lively graphics. Here is an overview of their method of working –

  • They understand your idea
  • Design the layout of the app functionality
  • Design the app
  • Write codes for the app
  • Release the app

The best part about the gaming industry is that it is yet to reach its pinnacle. If you want to direct your investments on iPhone game development, it is worth hiring experts to create something unique and amazing. Your investments can generate huge ROI if the game goes viral. The gaming industry is standing strong in the market, and you can make investments and harness benefits from the ever-growing mobile gaming industry.


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