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A Complete Guide To Send Mass Emails To Your Customers In 2022

So, without further discussion, let’s walk through the steps to creating a successful campaign.

Setting your email marketing goal is mandatory

It is important that you define the goals you want to meet if you are going to implement email marketing strategies with your brand or company.

Define your audience

Proposing email marketing methodologies for an audience interested in real estate is not the same as an audience interested in the world of graphic design.

Indeed, you must do everything possible to establish in a concrete and precise way the public to which you are going to share your content.

Choose the type of content

The content of your email marketing will be the determining factor for the success of your brand.

In this email marketing guide, we share some content ideas:

  • News
  • Reviews
  • Photographs
  • Videos
  • Testimonials

In the same way, you must establish a schedule to send your content, but keep in mind that you must not abuse the frequency of your emails to avoid saturation in the inbox of your clients.

Organise the outline of your emails

Take into account the following structure so that your emails are winners:

  • Subject line: It must be a short, attractive, and coherent text with the content.
  • Personalised message: Start with a greeting and address the customer’s pain points.
  • Images: Select visually stunning photos according to your style.
  • CTA: Always make a call to action to generate new leads.

Determine the best email marketing strategies

When you have defined the content and frequency of your emails, it is time to set the strategies that you will implement in each of your emails.

Informative content or newsletter

If you are just starting out in the world of email marketing in 2022, it is a good way to present your services.

It is necessary to implement creative writing to capture the attention of the audience and expose your brand in a dynamic way. You can hire a digital marketing agency to manage your email campaign and increase your sales with the best digital techniques.

Also, use attractive images, videos, gifs, or any other type of multimedia content that meets the aesthetic standards of your brand and is easy to read.

Free content

Another good way to hook your audience is to offer them downloadable content.

Some of the free content that you can implement in an email marketing campaign are:

  • Ebooks
  • infographics
  • Templates
  • Resources
  • Tools
  • Reports

 Attractive form

Another good strategy to generate new leads for your brand is to design attractive forms within your email marketing methodologies.

However, keep in mind that for a user to decide to enter their personal data in a form, it must include valuable content that convinces them to carry out said action.

Selecting an email marketing platform

Although many companies decide to use traditional platforms such as Gmail or Outlook to send mass emails, there are some online tools that you should take advantage of to have greater control of your planning.



Mailchimp gives you a whole range of possibilities to plan, design, execute and monitor your email marketing campaigns.

In addition, you have at your disposal a wide variety of plans according to the number of contacts in your database.

CAN-SPAM compliant

The worst thing that can happen to you in the world of email marketing is that your emails are classified as spam.

If you want to avoid this unfortunate event, you need to ensure that your emailed content adheres to certain standards and parameters.

If you want to know what the CAN-SPAM regulation consists of, this email marketing guide brings you a summary of what you must comply with to ensure that your content is displayed in the main inbox:

  • Include the basic data of your company in the signature of the emails you send.
  • Includes unsubscribe links visible to users.
  • Always use real email addresses in your email marketing campaign.
  • Do not include violent or offensive language.
  • Collect only the user data that is necessary.
  • It stores said data in a secure and reliable base.
  • The information stored must be used solely for commercial purposes.
  • Respond in a timely manner to a user’s request in relation to their data.

Good mailing practices

It is important to know some good email marketing practices that you should consider when taking your first steps.

  • Create your own list and send your emails only to people interested in receiving information. It is essential that you carry out a correct segmentation of contacts to avoid misunderstandings or, in the worst case, prevent negative comments from a user.
  • Analyse the outline of your mail very well before sending it. Remember that the subject and the first line of the text are key to your email marketing strategies. Also, remember to include multimedia content and always, always, make a call to action (CTA).
  • Make a mix of messages. As we mentioned at the beginning, you should not only implement email marketing as an information resource but also as a channel through which you can generate lasting links with your customers. Therefore, it involves storytelling techniques and investigates some examples of mailing for inspiration.
  • Respect your subscribers. Try to make your clients who have entrusted you with their information feel special. Try to use friendly language in your emails and offer them quality content.
  • Set a schedule. Sending an email on a certain day each week will help your subscribers know what content to expect. Create a habit of information flow so that your email marketing campaign is remembered.
  • Optimise emails for smartphones. If your email is not displayed optimally on a smartphone, your customers are likely to make negative comments, therefore, your reputation can be affected in different mediums.

Ideas you should implement for your email marketing strategy

We know that you have all the necessary tools, but have some doubts regarding email marketing ideas to impact digital audiences.

Therefore, here is a list of some premises that you can implement in your email marketing campaigns.

Attack users’ pain points

When we talk about pain points, we refer to the problems that your audience has and that your brand could solve.

Stay at the forefront with the latest news in your sector and do your best to offer solutions to the needs of your audience.

Welcome new customers

A welcome email is your letter of introduction to new audiences. Build unconventional messages, phrases, and sentences that can connect with your customers.

Remember that email marketing would not have the same impact without assertive communication language.

Use storytelling techniques

As you well know, a story is intended to touch the emotions of the public and this is precisely what you should try to do when implementing email marketing in your business.

Find creative ways to tell short stories and situations that your audience can connect with.

Organise webinars

In fact, today there are many companies that use this resource as a way to create a closer link with their audiences and clear up doubts about products or services.

Therefore, an email marketing campaign that invites the participation of an event will be a winning factor to generate new leads and potential customers.

Ways to measure the results in an email marketing strategy

There are a wide variety of factors to analyse the effectiveness of your campaigns.

Below is the list of the metrics that you should take into account to measure the results of your strategies.

Delivery capacity

This metric measures the percentage of emails sent to a primary inbox.

What should you take into account? Comply with anti-spam regulations and eliminate inactive users in your database. 


Open Rate

Open rate is one of the most important data in email marketing. With these figures, you will be able to evaluate the percentage of customers who open your emails.

If the opening rate is low, it is important that you make an adjustment to the subject and the first line of your email to make it more effective.

CTR (Click-Through-Rate)

Similarly, analysing the number of times that your customers download some content from emails will be vital to know with certainty the performance of your email marketing.

At this point the quality of your CTA’s is vital. After several tests, you will realise the elements that work best in your strategies. Try different texts, buttons, colours, or even emojis. It’s all a matter of analysis and a lot of patience.

Subscription cancellations

If a customer decides to unsubscribe from your emails, it is important to carry out an evaluation to identify the reason.

A cancellation is a determining factor for your email marketing methodologies, so you should pay close attention to these figures so that they do not affect your reputation.

Remember that email marketing, beyond being a communication channel, is a way to connect with your customers. Therefore, do your best to create quality content and form lasting bonds between your brand and your audience.

Much success in your future campaigns!

One Comment

  1. lyndahoffman lyndahoffman March 30, 2023

    Lynda Hoffman is a Professional Certified Coach (PCC) with the International Coaching Federation (ICF). Through her business, Lynda Hoffman Life Coaching, she coaches passionate and self-directed business professionals – with or without ADHD – who want to create meaningful personal and organizational change. Lynda partners with clients to increase their personal agency and strategic decision-making. Her extensive experience in the fields of executive functioning and mindfulness training supports clients in understanding how their brain functioning informs their behaviour – and how to change what needs changing. She encourages her clients to do the deeper work to create transformational change – the kind that lasts.
    What are some of the key concerns executives come to you with in light of the current turbulent economic environment?

    Turbulence is such a great word to describe the times we’re living in. Everything feels like it’s on a low boil, in constant motion with no clear idea of when or how it will settle. And while it’s uncomfortable, it’s also a perfect opportunity for executives to hone their deeper skills.

    Business is all about managing uncertainty, but now executives are being asked to lead when nothing we’ve counted on feels certain. The current times are not just about economics. Leaders are being called on to lead in a climate of fear.

    As a professional coach, I know that what you fear is what you create. If you’re afraid of uncertainty, you tend to create more chaos. Our brains are wired to go into reactive thinking when we‘re afraid. That’s when executive functioning can go offline, even for leaders. The result? Poor decision-making. Poor communication. Poor planning.

    The leaders I work with know intuitively that empowerment – of themselves and their teams – is the key to navigating uncertainty. The driving idea is not to play victim to the uncertainty of our time, but rather, to lead forward. For my clients, this means creating focused, autonomous, resilient teams.

    My clients all share the same concern. They want their team members to take initiative, be more self-directed and think critically about all that they do. They want them to think about how their actions move the mission of the organization forward, rather than operating in silos. They’re mentally flexible enough to operate in the detail and shift back to the larger picture. This pinging back and forth between detail and the big picture is the source of coherent action – and it’s especially necessary in times of turbulence.

    What are some of the techniques you help them with?

    Coaching is more about strategy than technique. Applying strategies expertly requires robust self-awareness. My clients recognize that their own patterns can get in the way of effectively cultivating these higher-order skills in their teams.

    For example, when a leader has a deep-seated commitment to create a more human-centred work environment, and they believe that structure is corrosive to free thinking, they may then have a tendency to remove any and all structure. The belief that structure is cognitively restrictive is just plain inaccurate. If a leader holds onto this limiting belief as if it were true, their team members will be waiting to be told what to do, rather than thinking independently for themselves.

    When I coach my clients to create great outcomes, we start and end with self-awareness. When they begin to go more deeply, they become more aware of the questions they ask themselves – or more importantly, the ones they tend not to ask. When you can begin to delve into areas you were not aware of before, you begin to see the problem in entirely new ways. Possibilities suddenly open up.

    Self-awareness always includes the development of meta-cognition, the awareness of your thinking. Meta-cognition is the brain-based executive skill that strengthens your ability to identify what you’re doing well, and what behaviours need tweaking. Leaders looking for a strategic edge do well when they begin to shine the light on the thoughts and beliefs that inform their decisions. Meta-cognition is the cornerstone of strategic thinking.

    Here are some questions that my clients have learned to ask themselves:

    Spotting limiting beliefs

    What am I believing that generates a lot of emotion?

    What choices do I make from this place?

    Where else in my life does this belief show up?

    In what way is this belief part of my value system – or not?

    Identifying the core issues – accurately

    What is actually happening?

    How do I know my perception is accurate?

    Am I viewing this from my vantage point or the team’s?

    What patterns do I see in the evidence presented to me?

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